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Money2Manage is a simple and friendly income and expenses tracking tool focused on helping you manage your finance.

"Often people find it difficult to manage their resources or fail to manage their income and expenditure leading to a life which no longer lead their family or society in a happy and healthy situation. It can grow up as a social problem."

We believe Money2Manage can help you in this situation to manage your funds and help you lead a Disciplined Life.

What others people say about Money2Manage:

"The most wanted online personal finance software."
- Sam

"With Money2Manage, I am able to keep track my money with ease."- Zamri

"Managing personal finance is easy using Money2Manage.
You should try it."

- Mahadi Man
Take a look at some of the features:
Dashboard 02

Simple, intuitive interface. Money2Manage is a simple and friendly income and expenses tracking tool focused on helping you manage your finance.
Account list

Manage multiple accounts. You can create multiple accounts and give it a beginning balance amount. You can also transfer funds between two accounts.

Payee form

Organize your payee list. Money2Manage's simple and easy to use interface lets you add, edit and delete your payee list.

Add and track transactions. Log all your receipts and expenses information and reconcile your transactions to find out exactly what your real account balance is.
Category form

Organize your category. Easily create your own category and sub-category.
Monthly and yearly report

Generate reports. Track and analyze your spending with various monthly and yearly reports.

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Money2Manage is a product of Shocking Labs. Copyright 2008-2018.